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Stacey Woodson,

Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist, Entrepreneur, Speaker, and Author on the topics of nutrition and wellness.

Stacey has earned:

  • Bachelors of Science in Biology from Hampton University

  • Bachelors of Science in Nutrition from LaSalle University

  • Masters of Science in Clinical Nutrition from New York University

Stacey specializes in using food as medicine. She fuses nutrition, nature and cultural foods with an anti-diet approach while teaching her clients to eat foods that improve health and bring them joy.   


  Stacey's offers a variety of services including:


  • Media (broadcast, print & web interviews) 

  • Talent at Events and Trade Shows

  • Satellite Media Tours

  • Media and Nutrition Consulting 

  • Professional Development Trainings/Webinars

  • Speaking Engagements (conferences and panel discussions)

  • Corporate Presentations and Trainings

  • Nutrition Workshops for Small Organizations and Schools

  • Author Visits

  • Grocery Shopping Tours 

  • Garden Workshops

  • Cooking Demonstrations​

  • Individual Consultations

Now booking fall & winter 2024 workshops for  libraries, schools and more!


 Corporate & Group Nutrition Counseling

I love talking about nutrition in groups. It's one of my favorite things to do. I've got some exciting things in the works.


To get updates on upcoming classes, courses and workshops, click to join my mailing list below.

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Corporate Nutrition & Wellness

Offering workplace benefits to keep your staff healthy with regular, professional dietary advice will let your employees know that you really care and want them in tip-top shape to contribute to your company.


Corporate packages may include:

  • Group nutrition sessions

  • Lunch & Learns 

  • Wellness challenges

For all your inquiries-
Message us!

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